BRISBANE, Australia, Nov. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — More than 90% of Australians talk to their dogs and cats like they are humans, showing just how close we are to our treasured pets, a new survey has revealed.

A poll of 1000 Australians from pet insurer Budget Direct found some 93% of respondents said they spoke to their dog or cat as if they were simply another member of the family.

Almost 60% (59%) said they regularly spoke to their dog or cat like a human, while a further 34% said they spoke to their dog or cat like a human ‘sometimes’. Only 7% said they never engaged with their dog or cat on a human level.

“We already knew how much Aussie families love their dog or cat. But the fact more than nine out of 10 families speak to them like a real person shows how important they are to owners and families,” a Budget Direct spokesperson said.

“We share such a special bond with our dogs and cats and this really shows just how much they are a part of the family unit and the companionship they provide. In the case of dogs, it turns out they really are our best friend.”

The reasons for conversing on a human level with your dog or cat were varied. The top response was ‘My pet is part of my family’ with 72%, while another 36% said ‘My pet is like my child/best friend’.

Another 32% said ‘I’m sure they understand me’, while 28% said their dog or cat was a ‘great listener’.

To add to that special relationship, dogs and cats are often included in special occasions, with 37% getting birthday and Christmas presents every year.

Overall, more than half of the respondents were dog owners (54%), 28% were cat owners and 18% owned both. And there are some pampered pets among them; 32% said their dog or cat slept in their bed, or in bed with somebody in the house, while 43% had their own bed or crate.

Our pets are making themselves right at home, with 60% of owners saying their dog or cat was always allowed on the couch or furniture, while another 30% said ‘sometimes’.

Dog owners are thorough walkers, exercising their pooch at least once a day (41%) or every other day (26%), while a regular grooming regime was popular with most respondents, who groom their dog or cat weekly (30%), monthly (32%) or every few months (22%).

But it seems our love for our dogs and cats doesn’t quite stretch to taking them on holidays. Only 9% said they always took their dog or cat with them when they travelled, with 34% preferring to take them ‘occasionally when I can’.

Most people, 40%, never took their dog or cat on holiday. But overall, the results show just how much our dogs and cats are at the heart of Aussie families.

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